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當前位置: 站駕式電動堆高車 > 19款電動堆高車
產品名稱:19款電動堆高車        品牌:EFORK       產品型號:CDD
產品介紹 技術參數 售后保障

? CURTIS柯蒂斯電控,控制器多重自動保護系統。

? 阻尼減震彈簧無需頻繁調節,即可主動根據路面狀況調整立式驅動單元,降低地面對驅動單元的沖擊,平衡了驅動 平衡輪的受力,提高了平穩運行效率。
? 高質量帶緩沖液壓泵站,噪音低,震動小,密封性好,起升下降平穩可靠。
? 交流驅動,無碳刷,免維護,高效能電機,輸出強勁動力。
? 緊急斷電開關作為標準配置,只需按下緊急停止按鈕就可以切斷所有電源,車子立即停止或  緊急情況下快速斷電,提供安全保護。
? 多功能手柄,集成控制(加速、喇叭、緊急方向、升降按鈕),人機設計操作更加舒適。
? 門架寬視野設計,專用槽鋼,強度高。

? Because of CURTIS electronic control, so we have multiple automatic protection system controllers.
? Without frequently adjustment, Damping suspension spring can take the initiative to adjust vertical drive unit according to road conditions, reduce the impact of the drive unit, balance the force of the balance wheel, raise the efficiency and smoothly of the running.
? High quality with buffer hydraulic pump station has the character of low noise, low vibration, sealing good, smooth and reliable hoisting and falling.
? Alternating current driving, no carbon brush, free maintenance, highly efficient motor, accuracy control, powerfully output.
? We consider emergency power switch as a standard configuration. Just press the emergency stop button to cut off all the power in case of an emergency, the car can stop immediately.
? We have Multi-function handle and integrated control (Like acceleration, horn, emergency direction, lift button). All this function makes the operation more comfortable.

? The door frame design is wide field of vision, dedicated channel steel, high strength.

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400 888 5107
24小時免費服務熱線:400 888 5107
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